
The 8th Provincial Chapter of the Vice-Province of Mary Help of Christians, ZMB was declared open by Fr. George Chalissery SDB, the Provincial of ZMB on 16th April 2016, at Provincal House, Chawama, Lusaka . The chapter commenced with the solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by Most. Rev. Bp. Clement Mulenga sdb.

The inaugural session proper began at 9.00 am. The Hymn on the Holy Spirit, the Gospel reading and the enthronement of the Sacred Scripture set the right mood of the chapter. The provincial and the moderator welcomed all the members of the Chapter. Fr. Vincent Tembo sdb, the moderator introduced the procedures of the proceedings. It was followed by comprehensive report on the status of the province by Fr. George Chalissery SDB, the Provincial. After some interventions, the economic situation of the province was presented by Br. Walter sdb, the Provincial Economer. This too followed some discussions and interventions.

The chapter members were then divided into three groups to study and discuss on topics presented in the working document. The rest of the day was filled with discussions and interventions in groups. The proceeding of the day came to an end with the evening prayer.



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