ST. ISIDORE – 1997

Agriculture Centre, Missionary Outstations & Oratory

Salesians of Don Bosco
Don Bosco Agriculture Training Centre
P.O. Box 750095
Lufubu – Zambia


Lufubu St. Isidore Community was started to operate in 1997. The community is one of the biggest communities in Size. Lufubu is Located in Luapula province of Zambia which is in the Northern part of Zambia. The community runs one of the biggest Farms in the area. Lufubu community provides the following activities: Agriculture Training Center, Youth Center, Farm Production. Don Bosco Agriculture training Center provides Certificate and Craft Certificate in General Agriculture, provides Short practical courses and other related courses to the youths from different parts of the country. Beside the school, the community provides pastoral Care for the people around the Center. Moreover, the community provides daily youth activities for the young people living around the community.


Fr. Mariuz Skowron

Local Superior

  • Fr Skowron Mariusz
  • Br Mubanga Kenny
  • Br Namwera Alfred
Video 2019