The ceremony of inauguration of the new Provincial of the province of Zambia-Malawi-Zimbabwe-Namibia (ZMB), Fr
Christopher Rychcik, took place on the feast of Don Bosco.
The event was chaired by Fr Américo Chaquisse, Councillor for the Africa-Madagascar Region, in the presence of Bishop Clement Mulenga, SDB, of Kabwe, as well as many Salesians, FMA, and Salesian Cooperators.Fr. Christopher Rychcik SDB is the New Provincial of ZMB Vice Province of Mary Help of Christians. The Decree of the Appointment as the New Provincial was read by Fr. Vincent Tembo SDB, the Province Secretary of ZMB. Fr. Christopher Rychcik read the Profession of Faith and assumed into the office of being the Provincial of ZMB Vice Province. Fr. Christopher Rychcik celebrates the Silver Jubilee of his Ordination this year.
We remember fondly Fr. George Chalissery sdb, with grateful hearts, who served as the provincial for past six years.
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