On 25th June, two of the confreres from ZMB Vice Province, John Musonda and Martin Nguyen Manh Hien were ordained DSC_0452DSC_0472priests together with 5 other deacons from the diocese of Kabwe by Bishop Clement Mulenga SDB. It was at the parish of St Monica. From all the communities of the Province, our confreres were present to witness this event and to support the young priests of this vice province. Several Salesian Sisters and Salesian Cooperators were also present. Representation from Namibia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and other parts of Zambia was very much noted.
Fr. John Musonda sdb and Fr. Martin Nguyen sdb completed there theological studies from Don Bosco Utume, Kenya. They embraced Micah 6,8 as their motto of their priestly ministry: “…to do Justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with God.”
Fr Michael Wzietek and the community of Kabwe, for taking pains to organize these
ordinations well, to provide food and lodging for so many Salesians and others who had taken part in the ordinations.
Along with Fr. Simbarashe Musa ZMB Vice province is blessed with 3 new priests. We wish them many years of happy Salesian priestly ministry. We keep them in our prayers that they may be Good Shepherds like our father Don Bosco.
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