Lusaka (Zambia) 08/02/2018. YOUTH MINISTRY – MEETING OF CONSULTANTS. Newly elected Youth Delegate for ZMB Vice-Province, Fr Christopher Kunda SDB, called for a meeting in Lusaka. He meeting aimed at looking at the history of the youth ministry in ZMB in order to make a journey that takes on board all the progress made from the beginning of the province to date. Among the participants were Fr Christopher Rychcik (Provincial of ZMB), Fr Michael Mbandama (School Commission Chairman), Fr Andrew Reut (Youth Delegate of the Archdiocese of Lusaka), Fr Simbarashe Muza (Oratories), Fr Tresphord Chota (Mission Delegate), Fr John Musonda (Youth Centres), Br Walter Thyrniang (PDO Director), Fr Javier Barrientos (Social Communications Delegate) and Sr Chanda Nsofu FMA (Zambia National Youth Delegate).
Some of the main points that emerged from the meeting were:
- The need for the creation of an Animation Team
- Regular formation of Youth Leaders
- Revision of youth ministry and the impact on today’s youth.
The meeting began with the intervention of Fr Andrew Reut. He shared his vast experience in the youth ministry of Lusaka Archdiocese. Fruit of his experience he emphasised on the need for a permanent group in order to ensure good results.
The concept of networking and synergy also emerged quite strongly since we live in a province that is made up of four nations and where the human resources are not enough.
Fr Mbandama brought to the knowledge of the house of the importance of the EPP and SEPP. The community involvement in the ministry is a challenge many communities face; besides, with big numbers in our schools, the youth ministry is becoming quite insignificant alongside its influence in the life of the pupils.
Fr Barrientos shared on the experience of cooperation between Youth Ministry and Social Communication Departments for the purposes of evangelisation.
After all interventions, Fr Christopher Kunda expressed his feelings on the journey the youth ministry in ZMB. He saw and participated in many of the programmes and events; he now wishes to take the youth ministry to the next level. He thanked the participants for their contributions and prompt response to the meeting.
The meeting ended minutes before lunch with prayers and the blessing from Fr Kunda.
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