The First Anniversary of the death of Fr Peter Malec SDB was celebrated on 6th May. We had a beautiful celebration of the Eucharist at Bauleni Church at 09.30 followed by visit to the cemetery. During the Mass many Salesian priests, few Salesian brothers and the novices were present. The presence of Salesian Sisters and the Salesian Cooperators was so encouraging. Some young people from Bauleni were also present. The presence of people from Lufubu was so laudable which showed their love for Fr. Peter Malec, who was their loving shepherd. After the Eucharist we reached the Cemetery at Kasisi. Fr. George Chalissery presided over the Eucharist and initiated the prayer at the cemetery for the blessing of the tombstone. Bro. Walter made the tombstone ready, with help from the Mission Procure in Warsaw. The Mission Procure in Warsaw funded the building of the tombstone and we are thankful.
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