The Community of Makululu has put its efforts in improving the Standard of education in the area by putting up the Community School in order to cover the gap of poverty levels that may/exists in the surrounding community. Makululu is a highly populated area with a higher late of poverty in Zambia. The Community provides primary education and it is also a home for the Children in Need. The community is Currently expanding the infrastructure in the School as well as in the Children’s home. The Community Currently has around 24 Children and four Salesians to take care of them. Makululu is Steadily growing into a bigger community and we thank God for the support that has been put to see this community grow. Beside these activities, Makululu Community provides adult literacy and Entrepreneurial Skills training for the youths around the area.

Chiloto Childrens Home infrastructure under development

Chiloto Community School – Infrastructure development

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